Murder, Mayhem, & Miles
Join Coach Christine, Level 2 RRCA and Run-Walk-Run Certified Running Coach, to explore how to be a lean, mean, true crime-fighting running machine. Each episode will feature a new true crime case while also following a guided, structured running workout. Listen to murder & mayhem, while getting in your miles!
Murder, Mayhem, & Miles
Murder, Mayhem, & Miles - Killer Couple Teaser Join the 30-day challenge today
Join Running Scared with Coach Christine and embark on a virtual journey for True “Crime” Love Never Dies.
The Murder, Mayhem and Miles Killer Couple challenge will follow the last portion of the most notorious criminal couple of all time, Bonnie & Clyde. Starting in Grapevine, Texas, where Bonnie and Clyde had a shoot-out with law enforcement agents, all the way to where they met their demise in Sailes, Louisana. While you log miles by running, walking, hiking, cycling, or on the elliptical, we will learn about other toxic lovebirds with a proclivity for the macabre, twisted, and heinous.
Over this 30-day virtual mileage challenge, we will embark on a journey of 75, 100, or 125 miles.
You can tackle this route solo or partner up with a fellow true crime fiend. You will have a dedicated mileage map tracker that easily pairs with your Garmin or Strava account to keep you motivated as you see your miles add up.
Starting Jan. 16 & ending Valentine’s Day, this virtual challenge will accompany the following Running Scared with Coach Christine podcast schedule.
1/24 – The Wicked Wests
1/31 – The Ken & Barbie Killers featuring Burden of Proof Podcast
2/7 – The Twilight Killers
2/14 – Bonnie & Clyde
Weekly winners, a private community page for accountability, a personal mileage tracker, and lots of fiendish fun for just $20. Join today
Join the Running Scared Facebook private community.
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Have questions on how to incorporate workouts into your training? Reach out at christine@runwinefinishlines.com