Murder, Mayhem, & Miles
Join Coach Christine, Level 2 RRCA and Run-Walk-Run Certified Running Coach, to explore how to be a lean, mean, true crime-fighting running machine. Each episode will feature a new true crime case while also following a guided, structured running workout. Listen to murder & mayhem, while getting in your miles!
Murder, Mayhem, & Miles
The Godmother of the Cocaine Cowboys - La Madrina of Miami and Medellin
Hey, friend,
Thank you for joining me for Running Scared with Coach Christine. I'm a Level 2 RRCA and Galloway certified coach, but more importantly, I'm someone that knows it's so much easier to get out for your run or walk when you have something to look forward to that helps with motivation.
So if you are like me and are a runner or walker that enjoys hearing a true crime case or spooky tale, then welcome! You have found your corner of the internet.
We have another installment of our Mistresses of Murder and Mayhem and since we are highlighting one of the Queens of the Cartel, this case has it all. Drugs, sex, murder, and lots of mayhem. So be warned.
From the streets of Medellin to NYC, Miami-Dade, and Los Angeles, Griselda Blanco, aka La Madrina, left a trial of body bags in her wake in her bid to be the baddest bish in town.
We are also going to play a game along the way, I have peppered in song lyrics throughout today's case, take a "Boss Babe" selfie, tag me on Instagram with hashtag #runningscaredbossedup to show that you aren't scared of a little true crime story and let me know how many song lyrics you heard or kept track of. You won't have to be right on the number of song lyrics I reference to be entered to a win. Just a selfie and the hashtag #runningscaredbossbabe by 11/17 at 8 am ET to be entered into the drawing for a Running Scared Coach Christine True Crime prize pack.
This true crime coach cast packs a bit of heat so we will have comfortably hard tempo segments with small recoveries in between! Don't doubt yourself, you are a badass boss! Get after it!
6- minute warm-up
9- minute RPE scale 5-6 (sentence pace)
1-minute active recovery walk
4:30 minute RPE scale 5-6 (sentence pace)
:30 active recovery
9- minute RPE scale 5-6 (sentence pace)
1-minute PUSH the pace!
6 - minute cool-down
We will be using RPE found here >>
I'd love you to join the Running Scared community on Facebook, where you get to weigh in with your thoughts and requests and get invites to special true crime-focused events. You can find it here >>
If you have any questions about running or want to chat about True Crime, please email me at christine@runwinefinishlines.com.
Please consult a physician before starting any new exercise routine.
Thank you for Running Scared with Coach Christine
Join the Running Scared Facebook private community.
Follow on Instagram
Have questions on how to incorporate workouts into your training? Reach out at christine@runwinefinishlines.com